Chris Poore

Chris Poore

A long and winding road ...

It's been a long and winding road . . . 

I've benefited from a wide-ranging and nontraditional career path. I've told stories as a journalist and managed a team of creatives, spent 15 years as an entrepreneur and am currently an IT leader at a Fortune 300 company. 

For my next chapter, I'm looking to channel all those experiences into telling stories about real people struggling with the modern human condition. 

I completed two scripts in 2022; a pilot for a TV drama that deals with addiction, a loss of faith, and the chasm between the rich and poor, and a dark-comedic feature that takes place at the intersection of amateur athletics, social media, NIL, sports gambling and corporate-American greed. 

My first novel, a YA coming of age story set in a fictional small town in 1976 Nebraska, will be published in 2024.

I'm based in a real small town just outside of Omaha. If you're ever in the neighborhood, feel free to stop by for a chat.

Chris Poore